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31 Aft Cabin fuel capacity and economy

Hi all,

As per title, does anyone have a rough idea of how much fuel the tanks can take and what the fuel economy is like at various speeds/rpm?


2019-02-12 22:45


Die Tanks fassen 500 Liter.
Verbrauch mit 2 x VP TAMD 31 B
ist bei 15 Knoten cirka 1,8 Liter/Seemeile

2019-02-21 09:07

Karl F Sander
Saknar båt i Coronetregistret


Many thanks for the reply. So around 250 miles on full tanks?

2019-02-21 11:05



2019-02-22 08:34

Karl F Sander
Saknar båt i Coronetregistret

The same in mine.

2019-04-21 03:30

Simone Saul
Saknar båt i Coronetregistret

Sorry to interfere - but any of you fine people who can say anything about consumption and max speed of a 31 AC with 2 x 5,7 liter V8 gasoline engines…..?
THANKS a LOT in advance!

2019-04-22 11:30

Claus Hassing

out of topic: Claus, did you bought Tims 31AC "Erika II"?

2019-04-22 13:51

Johann Weinberger
24 Family
31 Aft Cabin

Johann, Yes, we have done that.
Will be happy for any info concerning her / her engines etc.

2019-04-22 14:43

Claus Hassing

Fine, we was close to buy it for ourself one year ago! Congratulation to your new boat, but sorry not to be able to answer your question. As i remember Tim had a lot of documents from his father in law, like electric wiring diagrams. etc.
Hope you will post some pictures of rebuilding Erika II or from the result!
Good luck for working and your search!

2019-04-22 17:50

Johann Weinberger
24 Family
31 Aft Cabin

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